The TNT crates you can use to restore your TNT ammo also counts as this, so be careful when you see one lying around with lots of enemies around you. Unlike most examples of this trope, it's listed as a weapon that you can pick up, then put somewhere else you might want it. Leonard briefly hangs a lampshade on this though. Dude, Where's My Reward?: At the end of Redneck Rampage Rides Again, there is little to no ending. Developers Fore Sight: If you manage to completely max out the drunk meter, Leonard will vomit, preventing you from having to wait too long before being able to move normally (since several sections require platforming), though you won't vomit again if you get maxed out drunk too soon after vomitting.
Sometimes if you walk to the corner of a door while it's closing, you can get crushed.
The Door Slams You: A common Build engine glitch. Rides Again brings you to the New Old West for the first episode, before going back to Hickston. The first game takes place in rural Arkansas. Clone Army: The aliens have captured a few of Leonard's fellow citizens and created an army of clones from them to take over. It more or less tells the game's backstory. Character Portrait: Whenever you finish a level, and shows your stats (how many enemies you killed, time you finished a level), there is always a different portrait of Leonard or Bubba supposedly hanging up on a wall in the background. Camp Straight: The biker clones in Rides Again are incredibly swish, but seem to be straight given that they can be found standing to appear as though they're receiving head from the cheerleader clones in several locations. Eating food counters the negative effects of booze, but contributes its own negative effects when overused. But be careful not to get too drunk or your vision and controls will start to get screwed up. Booze-Based Buff: Alcohol acts as a Health Potion, and if the meter's in the green there's a small armor-like effect. Duke Nukem 3D used similar tricks to make odd rooms. Bizarrchitecture: One of the expansions features a trailer that is twice as big on the inside as it is outside, without cutting away or passing you through a load screen to do it, thanks to the Build engine being 2.5D(this would be difficult to pull off in a modern 3D engine, by comparison). Wields two sawed-off shotguns and you can sometimes meet some that are actually on bikes, the same kind of bikes Leonard rides. Badass Biker: One of the enemy types in Redneck Rampage Rides Again. A Winner Is You: Essentially the ending of Redneck Rampage Rides Again. Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: The final boss of Rides Again is a giant bus-sized Jackalope, in keeping with the Americana roadside attraction theme of the game.
Redneck rampage cuss pack manual#
Once you've killed them you can pick them up and use them, severed arm and all ( the manual states they are fired by yanking on an exposed tendon of the Hulk's arm), and they are extremely good.
Arm Cannon: The Alien Hulk guards carry these. Aliens Are Bastards: Ya don't meet a single nice'un.